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Electric Panel Repair in Rockwall, TX

Protect Your Home From Potential Electrical Panel Issues

In years past, many electrical panels in North Texas homes were not installed for today's electricity needs.

In recent years, experts have uncovered a fairly serious electrical issue with faulty panels, specifically, electrical panels manufactured by Federal Pacific. The government warns about Federal Pacific Stab-Lok panels to homeowners, electricians, inspectors, and agents.

To troubleshoot your Stab-Lok panel and discuss electrical panel repair, contact us today.

When a circuit breaker overheats from too much power, it should turn off to prevent a fire. However, some breakers do not function correctly and fail to trip. Contractors installed the panels in thousands of homes in North Texas in the 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s. Federal Pacific is no longer in business.

Electric Panels - Electricians in Rockwall TX

If you live in the Garland, Mesquite, Wylie, Plano, Richardson, or Dallas Texas areas and you have a Federal Pacific breaker box, Zinsco or Zinsco-Sylvania electrical panel, it probably needs to be replaced as soon as possible. They have also installed these panels in other areas across North Texas. If you think you have a faulty panel, call us. We will gladly arrange an inspection to help you feel more at ease.


If your fuses keep blowing or breakers keep tripping often, it may be time to upgrade your electrical panel. Similarly, if your lights are flickering or just aren’t fully bright, you might need a panel upgrade. If your home is over 20 years old or has less than 200 amps of electricity, you need a new electrical service panel.


Call Rockwall Electric Heating and Air at (972) 771-5390 to schedule a service appointment today. We will check your home's electrical panel carefully. We will test the breakers that keep tripping. We will also assess any safety concerns in your home.


Safety, security, and reliability. That’s Rockwall Electric Heating and Air!

Should You Get An Electrical Panel Replacement or Repair?

Electrical Panels: Important Technology

Consumers often wonder if they should have an electrician repair or replace their electrical panels when they need service. Fortunately, customers rarely need to make this decision alone. Skilled electricians suggest the best and cheapest solutions after checking the electrical system in homes or businesses.

About Electrical Panels

Electrical control panels connect circuits in buildings to power lines from utility companies. These metal casings provide an interface. They help property managers, supervisors, or homeowners quickly understand the different circuits in the electrical system.

Electrical Fuses and Safety Issues

The panels typically house "breaker" fuses, which trip if an individual circuit grows overloaded. This process supplies a useful safety precaution. Blowing a fuse represents a much safer alternative than allowing overloaded circuit wiring to grow hot and possibly melt.

If a fuse repeatedly trips, the property owner should consider seeking the assistance of a licensed electrician. It may prove necessary to obtain repairs or even a complete electrical system rewiring.

Obtain Well-Qualified Assistance From Electricians

Does your home or business in the Greater Rockwall Area require electrical panel repair or even electrical panel replacement? Consider asking a licensed repairer which strategy provides the most economical solution. You'll save money and avoid potential hazards by relying upon the best judgment of people trained in this specialized field. Best of all, you'll gain peace of mind knowing you've sought expert advice.

We'll gladly assist you in evaluating the cost to replace electrical panel components versus the cost to obtain a complete electrical panel replacement. If you prefer, you always enjoy the option of obtaining a second or third opinion from other electricians.

Repair or Replacement: A Choice Best Entrusted to Experts

Homeowners should get help from licensed professionals for electrical panel repairs or replacements. This is important, even if they have some knowledge about wiring. However, they often lack the skills to choose the right electrical panels. They usually need help from an electrician.

Rockwall Electric Heating and Air Valures Our Customers

Choosing Rockwall Electric Heating and Air for electrical panel repair ensures great advice and top-notch service. Customers will benefit from the expertise of skilled electricians. If an electrical system is very damaged, rewiring it may cost more than just installing a new panel.

Rockwall Electric Heating and Air's electricians want to provide great service. They clearly explain the pros and cons of repairing or replacing equipment. We want to help our customers obtain the best possible outcomes for their unique circumstances

Customized Service

When electrical problems impact electrical control panels, a variety of issues may complicate repair versus replacement decisions. For instance, sometimes property owners install additions to vintage buildings. A realty owner may need to decide whether or not to upgrade or expand an existing control panel. In some cases, it may prove more cost-effective to undertake the installation of a completely new wiring system.

Many people appreciate advice from skilled electricians. This includes the experts at Rockwall Electric Heating and Air. They are helpful when dealing with this problem. By seeking our assistance during the project planning stage, savvy property owners help minimize construction expenses.

Assistance For Every Budget

Today, the prices for working on electrical control panels can differ depending on the region in the country. In our region of the United States, some experts place the average cost of installing a new 100-ampere electrical panel between $1200 and $2100.

The cost of a rewiring project is also influenced by the number of circuits and the size of the property. The more circuits and the larger the property, the higher the cost of the project. These factors are important to consider when planning a rewiring project. We assist customers by offering written estimates, detailed price breakdowns, and troubleshooting your home or business.

Contact Rockwall Electric Heating and Air

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